Summer will soon be here. Some will head up north. Some will take a vacation or two to see new sights or connect with distant family. But many of us will spend most of the summer right here in beautiful Naples–enjoying less traffic, terrific restaurant deals, and the same great opportunities to worship, fellowship and serve at St. John’s.
We traditionally offer adult co-ed classes throughout the summer. [You’ll want to watch for announcements about this summer’s exciting offerings!]
BUT in recent years, our children’s Sunday School has taken the whole summer off. This has meant parents bring their young children to church where they can be distracted from their own reverent worship by squirming toddlers and preschoolers. It also has meant that children miss out on age-appropriate lessons and experience a lapse in their continuing Christian education.
This summer, we hope to offer uninterrupted Sunday School to our children and their parents. BUT, of course to do so, we will need a committed corps of teachers and aides. We have been blessed with several new teachers and aides in recent months. We thank God for His faithful provision and trust Him to provide in the days ahead.
Summer days can be lazy or re-invigorating. Be thinking and praying about how you can help make this summer a refreshing, enriching and stimulating time for growing our faith and that of our children.