40 Days of Decrease

40 Days of Decrease

One of the blessings of my position is people are constantly giving me books to read or review. I don’t remember the last time I was at the library because of the stack I’m already reading. I’m so grateful for this, and one of the recent books suggested to me by Senior Warden Donna Beecher is “40 Days of Decrease” by Alicia Britt Chole.

Rev. Joseph Maiocco Rector

The subtitle reads a different kind of hunger and fast that triggers the heart. This devotional invites the reader to 40 days of ‘thinning their lives to thicken their communion with God’ through very specific focus. What if your family fasted denial? What if your friends fasted comparison? What if your generation fasted escapism? What if your church fasted spectatorship?

This work invites one to a spiritual journey that exercises traditional spiritual practices for one goal: that we would decrease as He increases in us! This will be St. John’s Lenten focus and the book will be available before Ash Wednesday. Everyone is encouraged to participate individually, via the Sunday morning studies and other gatherings!

Watch the 40 Days of Decrease Book Trailer.

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