“Suddenly a sound like
the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven
and filled the whole house where they were sitting.”
Acts 2:2 (NIV)
I have always known that God is with me, but one day He showed up in a way that assured me of His tender love for me in a way as never before.
Late one March afternoon almost ten years ago, I was sitting alone in my family room with my back to the main part of the house. My mind was spinning with all the controversy that took place in my home on a daily basis. I felt alone and in despair.
Nobody was in the house, but me. No television was on, not even a radio. I believe that the front door was locked because I never left it unlocked.
All of a sudden, I heard the front door open and shut, so I called my daughter’s name, thinking she’d returned home early from work, but there was no answer. As I continued to listen, I heard the sound of a gigantic wind coming from behind me. I was engulfed in a strong, warm embrace which felt so absolutely fabulous that I never wanted it to stop. I felt totally safe, perfectly peaceful and totally loved.
Then just as quickly as it came, it was gone.
A few weeks later, I was sitting in a Lenten study on a Wednesday night. My priest, Father Joe, was sitting to my right. The book we were studying lay open in front of me. We took turns reading from the text. When we came to one portion of the lesson, I caught my breath.
“When the Holy Spirit comes into your life, it comes with the sound of a huge wind.”
I read the words again and again. They began to blur as my eyes filled with tears.
Why me? I asked myself. Why had God so honored me? Instantly, deep within me I heard, Why not you?
After all, I am God’s beloved child whom He embraced with the mighty wind of His Holy Spirit. I felt then, and I continue to feel, so very blessed. Barbara Youngs